Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It Sucks Being Fat and Having Bad Insurance

Earlier this year I decided to pursue having gastric banding surgery.  So far I have gone to an informational meeting, 2 regular doctor's appointments, a surgical consult, a cardiologist, and for a sleep study.  This was a lot of stuff. 

I just got the news that my insurance will only cover only about 1/4 of the cost of the surgery.  After crying and whining and telling Andrea I'm mad at myself and the whole world for making me be fat I am resigned. 

Wait - let me be mad a little bit more. 

1.  I'm mad at society for saying I'm not good enough.

2.  I'm mad at my parents for overfeeding me and not putting their fat kid in sports.

3.  I'm mad at my sister for ordering pizza all the time. 

4.  I'm mad at most of my friends for not coming over to make me work out. 

5.  I'm mad at Andrea for making me feel guilty before when I was losing weight faster than her. 

6.  I'm mad at American Airlines for making their seats too small and for making me ask for a seatbelt extension twice on one flight because the stewardess forgot.  It was bad enough the first time. 

7.  I'm mad at him.  Best not to elaborate here.

8.  I'm mad at God because he could fix me and he isn't and because he let me get like this in the first place. 

9.  I'm mad at my dog for pulling on the leash so much when I try to walk him. 

10.  I'm mad at McDonalds for being across the parkinglot from my work. 

11.  I'm mad at the barista at Starbucks who always used to give me skim milk even though I didn't order it. 

12.  I'm mad my mom cause she never finished cleaning my room when I earned it and because she took my sister to Disneyworld for being depressed and I've been depressed for years.

13.  I'm mad at every restaurant ive ever gone to for having high calorie foods that taste good.

14.  I'm mad at my Granny for buying me a tiny little trampoline to exercise with in my room and not a big cool one for the back yard. 

15.  I'm mad at Six Flags because I couldnt fit on some of the rides. 

16.  I'm mad at carrotts for tasting so blah.

17.  I'm mad at chicken for having to be thawed and cooked when it's much easier to run to Arbys. 

18.  I'm mad the pastors at my church that I went to when I was 19 because they wouldn't take me seriously because I was fat and they automatically liked Jamie Cook. 

19.  I'm mad at everyone who thinks I can just stop eating and start exercising.

20.  I'm mad at John Pugh who told me that it was good I was fat because being fat made me not die when I got shot. 

21.  I'm mad at bathtubs because it is not that fun to take a bath when you're fat but it sounds nice.

22.  I am mad at the seatbelt in my car because it is uncomfortable if I am wearing a coat because I am fat.

23.  I am mad at my arms for being so huge that I can't wear tank tops.

24.  I am mad at Daphne for saying that fat people can't save money because they have no impulse control.  I'm even madder at Daphne, because I can't save money and I'm fat. 

25.  I'm mad at every person who ever made fun of me for being fat and that is a lot of people. 

26.  I am mad at Old Navy because their plus size pants fit really weird. 

27.  I am mad at my eyelids.  I'm already fat.  Do you have to give me problems too?

28.  I'm mad at every person in the world that weighs less than 200 pounds.

29.  I'm mad at most people that weigh more than 200 pounds. 

30.  I'm mad at myslef.  I'm a hundred times more mad at myself then I am at anyone else. 

OK Now I'm resigned. 

Sorry for possibly offending every person I've ever met. 


  1. well, i feel better after reading that. MOVE.

  2. Well I am mad too ....

    at you for not calling me back....

    ...and I love your transparency, boldness, and humor and I know you will not really resign. Struggle is the proof you have not be conquered.

    Perhaps the other 3/4 cost is worth your happiness? I mean people make car payments...it could be the same.

    Love you. 503 581 1649

  3. Stacey, I hear you on most everything on your list. Except the ones that mention you being mad at me of course. ;P If only we had do-overs in life.... I could make this really long, but then it would wind up being about me, instead of a comment on your post. (Now I'm thinking maybe I need to start my own blog.)So right now all I can say is that you're my HERO; you always have been and you always will be! I think you should fight with all your might to get the ins. co. to change that decision. It can be done, I'm sure of it! Be mad enough to go forward and don't give up!!! I love you.

  4. I just found your blog. Are you still around?
